Enercon Classic Windturbines v1.1

Enercon Classic Windturbines v1.1

Enercon Classic wind turbines with different hub heights

Engine houses have been revised.
E58 and E66 dimensions (nacelle and tower) have been revised.

Hello everyone!
This mod consists of 5 wind turbines from Enercon with different hub heights.

This includes, among other things: These are the first turbines from Enercon with the typical egg shape and rotor blades without trailing edge segments.

The following are the features of the systems:
All systems align with the wind and change their speed depending on the wind speed.
Anemometers are animated and adapt to the wind speed.
Obstacle markings adapt to the lighting conditions in different seasons.
The purchase price and the income from the individual systems are now calculated based on the defined nominal output, the length of the rotor blades and the height of the tower.
This means that the purchase price is calculated as follows: 100,000€/1000kW nominal power + 500€/1m rotor blade length + 100€/1m tower height.
The income consisted of 1000€/1000kWh (the nominal power is used as the value for this) + 5€/1m rotor blade length + 1€/1m tower height.
It is possible to “visually” switch off ALL systems. For this purpose, there is a trigger in front of the door at the foot of the tower of EACH system, where you can switch the system on and off using the left mouse button or the B button on the controller. For this purpose, the rotor blade position changes and the rotor only spins slightly. The systems still generate money, therefore only “visually”. As far as I know, this cannot be implemented any other way; after all, you have to take into account that the FS22 is an agricultural simulation and not a wind power simulation.

The following attachments are included:
Enercon E40 5.40: 42m, 48m and 65m hub height (nominal power: 500 kW)
Enercon E40 6.44: 50m, 65m and 78m hub height (nominal power: 600 kW)
Enercon E58 10.58: 59m, 70.5m and 89m hub height (nominal power: 1.0 MW)
Enercon E66 18.66: 67m, 80m and 98m hub height (nominal power: 1.8 MW)
Enercon E112 45.114: 124m hub height (nominal power: 4.5 MW)
Enercon E112 60.114: 124m hub height (nominal power: 6.0 MW)

Credits: FSven
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